They never tell you this but I'll always be able to lose myself more in those 2D animated shows from the 90s where the people are drawn proportionally. Live-action is too false, you can see the actors, recognize them sometimes, imagine them training, estimate their salaries. But for 2D animations it's a whole new world. Sleek cars, suits, and palm trees. You can lose yourself in that, and I often do. Just the mystery of it all. Damn. It's just hitting me a bit hard right now in a weird way, I'm writing it down so you know it's a strange feeling that won't ever be properly captured in paper or read the right way. Things I write down sometimes get looked down upon by myself since I don't usually write stuff down and it's a past me writing them. I'm never in the same headspace either so the words don't hit the same they fall flat. I can feel the thoughts and emotions while I'm writing. The world is strange. But all you have are the words.